GHEODE is a high performance research group from the Univestity of Alcalá.

The main goal of this group is the research of modern heuristic optimization techniques, mainly evolutive and heuristic computing with applications in optimization problems, communication network design and prediction and optimization of renewable energy related problems.

Throughout the last 5 years we have published more than 100 research papers in the best international publications with high impact factor, among those publications we can include Applied Soft Computing, Information Sciences, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Neural Computing and Applications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Energy, Applied Energy, Expert systems with Applications, Physics Reports etc.

GHEODE makes a clear bet on the transfer of tecnology and cooperation between the productive and industrial sectors. In the last years we have worked with international corporations like Iberdrola, Airbus, Vodafone, Etolos Solute or TUV RHIENLAND Ibérica.

This group is composed of a highly skilled and multidisciplinary team that is able succesfully tackle any project in our line of work.